Scrawled Cowfish

The scrawled cowfish is an especially interesting little fish. Its scales are fused together into a solid shell-like structure that is a wonderful defense against predators. This unique feature also means that it has an unusual swimming style; it cannot move its body side to side. Instead its movements are very stiff. He is a small fish; only about 8 inches long. The main body color is usually tan with a greenish undertone. It has spines just above each eye, like the horns of a cow. Then there are the dark, bright blue lines and spots that cover their bodies. That's where they get the 'scrawled' part of their name. It looks as though some ancient scribe dipped their pen in ink and wrote mysterious messages all along their bodies.

You'll find the scrawled cowfish in the tropical waters of the Atlantic, living in shallow waters and sea grass beds hunting for food. Watch them closely and you'll observe them blowing into the sand in the shallows, hoping to disturb their preferred prey of shrimp and crab. Since the largest distribution of scrawled cowfish is off the southern coast of Florida, snorkeling in Key West just might get you a glimpse of this beautiful creature.